*****Please remember your passport*******
The judge decision is final. Any objections must be made within 20 minutes of the class ending with a deposit of £20.00 to be forfeited if the objection is over-ruled.
The committee, official, judge or steward acting on behalf of the show committee shall not be held responsible for any damage, loss or injury caused by or to any animal, property, competitor or spectator. All possible action has been taken to prevent this. Horses are dangerous please adhere to all the walkways.
All exhibitors and exhibits to be covered by PUBLIC LIABILITY insurance, prior to entering their animals for the show. To enter is to accept that the exhibits are covered.
No entries will be accepted without the correct entry fee. No late entries.
No person will be allowed in the ring except the judge and their stewards.
Cups must be returned by 1 May the following year.
Entry fees will not be refunded.
Hard hats must be worn at all times when riding on the show field, (BS EN1345/PAS015) All competitors under 14 years old must wear a hard hat when handling Horses/ponies.
The committee reserves the right to change classes if required to a different ring to facilitate the smooth running of the show.
All colts and stallions over 2 years old must be suitably bitted and handlers must be 14 years of age or over.
Mares with foals under 3 weeks of age must not be shown.
No responsibility will be taken for any entrant missing a class after it has been called.
All 1st & 2nd prize winners to compete for the section championship. All champions and reserve champions to compete for the supreme championship.
Entrants are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by these rules.
All exhibits to be penned by 9.30 am – judging at sharp. Late arrivals will not be admitted.
No late entries
Entry fees and a stamped addressed envelope to be enclosed with entries.
The Society will not be responsible for any loss or injury to an exhibit, through accident or any other cause.
Junior classes (67 to 75) are open to children under 16 years of age. Please put age on the entry form.
Admission will be free for one competitor paying entry fee of £10 or over
All entries (sheep and horse section) must be received by closing date. No late entries.
All stock must be bone fide property of the exhibitor and must have been in their possession for at least two months prior to the date of Show.
No person will be allowed in the judging rings except the Judges and the Stewards in charge.
The committee reserves the right to refuse any Entry Form improperly or insufficiently filled.
Objections as to the age and/or qualifications, of an exhibit or exhibitor, must be made in writing and lodged with the Secretary not later than 3 p.m. together with a deposit of £10 on the day of the Show. Such Committee of Inspection before the close of the show, and will be finally decided by the General Committee of the Society whose decision will be final and binding in all respects. In cases where the objections are sustained, the deposit will be returned.
All exhibits will be at the sole risk of the owner, and the Committee will not be liable for loss, damage, or injury thereto due to any cause whatsoever.
Persons competing in any event do so at their own risk and are solely responsible for any animal or exhibit belonging to them or in their care.
All stock will be supplied with appropriate cards at the Sections Secretary’s tent upon arrival.
Every person in charge of an exhibit in the livestock classes must remain with the stock under his or her charge (or find substitutes) until the close of the show.
The Judges will be directed to withhold any prize when they shall be of the opinion that there is no sufficient merit or that any animal is not properly classed.
All prize-winning animals must compete for the championship awards; in default of this rule, the prize money to which the exhibitors may be entitled shall be with-held. No cups will be presented until 3.30 pm on day of show.
Any person offending against these rules will be liable to forfeit all awards that he or she might be entitled to.
Challenge Cups must be won three times in succession or five times in all unless otherwise stated.
No Class changes will be accepted on day of the show for the horses section.
Please send self address envelope for card number for the horses section.
Admission will be free for one competitor paying entry fee of £10 or over